Friday, September 14, 2007

Lily Licked the Toilet

(Please Do Not Attempt This @ Home :-)~

Lily licked the toilet,
And then she licked the floor.
You can bet I’ll never
Kiss Lily anymore!
Lily licked the toilet,
And then she licked the sink.
She’s full of germs and worms,
At least that’s what I think.
Lily licked the toilet,
And then she licked the tub.
It’s safe to say her tongue
Could use a real good scrub!
She was the cutest POOCH! (To Smooch)
Why’d she have to spoil it?
Nothing’s been the same since…

Lily licked the toilet.

From the book "A Woolly Mammoth on Amelia Street: Read Aloud Poems4Kids" by Todd St. Pierre


Brenda said...

LOL...I kept thinking..."what in the world?"...glad to find out that Lily is a pooch and not a girlfriend...LOL

Brenda (Lilfix - Jacketflap)

PaMdora said...

hehe, love your poetry!